
Monday, January 4, 2016

Road Test - Meyer Lemon Pound Cake by Williams Sonoma

Road Test

Meyer Lemon Pound Cake
by Williams Sonoma

I have decided to try out and rate a few off the shelf items this year if I get a chance to squeeze in a few things each month, we'll see how I go on this journey.

The one thing I find with "packet cakes" is that they rise more and stay fresh for longer, the 2nd is the reason I do not make them very often, because to stay fresh longer means alot of preservatives, and numbers in them.  However sometimes they have their benefits, if time isn't on your side, you cannot bake on the day or the day before an event, or if you have to freeze it.  All these are valid reasons in my book to use a packet.

Number one reason to not use a packet = a customer is paying you to bake! Because they are paying you to actually bake, from scratch!

So first cab off the rank is this quite expensive version of a Meyer Lemon Pound Cake.  However it is utterly and insanely delicious!

Here goes....

You will need:
200g Butter Room Temp
1 x Box of Williams Sonoma Meyer Lemon Pound Cake
2 x Large Eggs
1/2 cup Water

Preheat oven to 180 (or 350) degrees.  Cream the butter until pale in an electric mixer.

Then add both eggs. Beat well.

Add half the packet and half the water, mix on low.

Add 2nd lot of packet and water and mix then turn mixer to high for one minute.

Pour the mix into a prepared pan (prepared means greased with butter or spray oil and then coated in a dusting of flour).  It is recommended to use a loaf pan however given packets rise more I chose to use a small spring form round.

Bake for 60 mins, use a wooden skewer to test it is ready before you remove from the oven.  When ready, remove and let cool for 15-20 mins in the pan.  Then pop out of the pan.  I chose to ice with lemon glaze whilst still slightly warm as it has a great finish.

Lemon Glaze
1 cup Icing Sugar
1/2 Lemon Rind
1/2 Lemon Squeezed

Mix togther until the icing sugar is completely dissolved.  If not runny like thickened cream then add a teaspoon of milk.

Pour in the centre of the cake and the warmth of the cake will cover it smoothly and evenly.