
Sunday, August 14, 2011

An Oldie but a Goodie – a Banana Blueberry Loaf Cake...

This recipe I am about to share is so tried and tested that it is etched into my brain. I hadn’t made it in at least 2 years, however the other day I was at my best friends and waiting for her 4 year old to get dropped off to me and I thought... what do kiddies love to do??? Cooking! Well cracking eggs and stirring! Hey Presto! Now what can I cook off the top of my head best of all?? That’s right my good ole Banana Blueberry Cake, and even me who doesn’t do bananas eats this scrumptious warm gooey cake.

The great thing with this cake is that you don’t need a mixer, it is best done with a simple wooden spoon. And the two key things best to remember are grease & flour your loaf tin well, and add your blueberries last and don’t stir much.  You want your blueberries to remain whole and plump in the mix, too much stirring will break them up and just turn your mix purple.

Banana Blueberry Cake

125g (or ½ cup) of soft Butter or Margarine
1 cup Castor Sugar
2 Eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence (not essential)
1 tub of yoghurt (preferably vanilla or can be substituted for sour cream)
1-2 mashed bananas
2 cups of Self Raising Flour
1 can of drained Blueberries

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
In bowl mix butter and castor sugar until well combined.   Sugar should be creamed in the butter to make a soft paste.  Next mix in the eggs, one at a time, followed by the vanilla.

Stir in the yoghurt and combine.  Next up mash your bananas in a separate bowl and add to your mix. Lightly stir in the flour until just mixed in and finally add your drained blueberries and just stir through about 3 stirs. Pour mixture into the prepared tin.

Bake for 45 - 50 minutes, or until golden brown, must spring back when touched and depending on the brand of yoghurt or the ripeness of bananas it may require longer to bake.  Allow pan to sit on counter for approximately 15 minutes after baking and tip out onto a cooling rack.

Then ensure that you cut yourself at least one slice whilst it is still warm, cause it’s the best time to sit and enjoy it, when its moist and the blueberries are all warm and gooey.

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