
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cheesecake Supremo

Skimming through my photos in the past few days, I have noticed for a person that doesn’t turn to cheesecake very often (I much prefer the cake option given the choice, give me fudge, lemon, raspberry in a soft luscious cake any day) that since I have 3 close friends that have a love of cheesecake that I have become a bit of a cheesecakier! Yes that’s a word, Im sure of it!

A devine cheesecake I made 2 months ago was by and it was a Snickers Cheesecake and the cooking process that Jaime uses to bake them makes for a very silky soft cheesecake indeed!  I will blog you this one at a later date as silly billy me forgot to take a photo of the finished product… der! So I will just have to make it all over again for you all, darn shame that!

However in the meantime, I have discovered this Cheesecake Slice (or Bars in the US of A ) recipe, also from that I have baked a few times now and everyone loves it!  It is a divinely delicious Cookie Dough Cheesecake Slice. Now who doesn’t love Cookie Dough? Just the words Cookie Dough make me go all gooey.  I find that by just adding an extra 250g (if you buy the double packet) of the cream cheese that you can almost double the slice to enable you to share it with friends! Even better because your friends will love you for it and you get to share the calories around!!

Trust me with all your heart when I say the words “This recipe is super duper easy”.

Cookie Dough Cheesecake Slice
Biscuit Base: 1 Packet Digestive Biscuits - processed into crumbs
5 Tbsp Unsalted Butter – melted

Cheesecake Filling:
250g packet Cream Cheese, room temperature
1/4 cup Castor Sugar
1 large Egg, room temperature
1 tsp pure Vanilla Extract

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough:
5 Tbsp Unsalted Butter - room temperature
1/3 cup Brown Sugar – firmly packed
3 Tbsp Castor Sugar
1/4 tsp Salt
1 tsp Vanilla
3/4 cup Plain Flour
1 cup Chocolate Chips (I used Cadbury chips as the cooking choc ones are bitter)

Preheat oven at 160 degrees.
Place biscuits into the food processor and pulse until they have become crumbs, melt butter and pour into the food processor on the crumbs and pulse until combined. Then tip the mixture out into a well lined pan (20 x 30cm or 20 x 40cm) with foil or baking paper. Press down the crumb mixture firmly into the pan. Bake in oven for approx 8-10 minutes, remove and cool.

Next to make the cheesecake filling, place the cream cheese and castor sugar in the electric mixer and mix them on medium until well combined, then add in the egg and vanilla. Once this is whipped up nicely, scrap it into the pan on top of the crumb base that has cooled down from being baked.

Final stage is to make the cookie dough, put the butter and both castor and brown sugars into the electric mixer and cream them together until sugar dissolved.  Add in the salt and vanilla whilst mixing, and finally add the flour and do not over mix this. Remove from the mixer and stir through the chocolate chips (the mixer won’t really like them add into it whilst it is running).  Using a teaspoon or fingers, take small teaspoons size chunks and drop all over the top of the cheesecake filling in the pan. This should make a patchy/rustic appearance.

Put into the oven and bake for approx 30-40 minutes, until the slice is set and the cookie dough is golden.  If the top between the cookie dough gets a melted butter appearance in the cracks, just dab it out with paper towel to keep it firm and set.  Set on a cooling rack, once cool, place into the fridge. Pull out the entire slice from time, and cut into even squares or rectangles. Serve cold.

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