
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hunka Hunka Burning Love!!!

Anyone looking would think I have the Elvis fetish.... I don’t... but he intrigues me, in fact the whole Elvis Phenomena has me momentarily spellbound.

The craziness of it all, I mean yes he was a fantastic singer, writer, performer, entertainer etc and he was ground breakingly daring for his time, but the fans are mental! They are. Really.  Who on earth lays dead for over 30 years of a heart attack in the prime of their career and “fakes it”??  Seriously people, the sightings at the burger joints are definately hilarious, but it draws you right in with the conspiracy theories. Is he or isn't he??

I also have to confess.... I have a dislike to animal print, you will rarely see me condone it, especially when it comes to children. myself or house furnishings.... I once sent my partner to buy a cat scratching/hammock pole thingie with one single rule to remember... “NO Animal Print” and what did i get?? Yes... Leopard print... O.M.G. hideous! (Apologies to anyone you does like animal print) Rock & Roll, Hot Rodding and the Zoo are the only places this belongs... Elvis does fall into the allowance (under the rock & Roll banner). And it really suited the Hunka Burning Love Cupcakes I baked!! 

I have made Elvis Cupcakes on two occasions, once were the Hunka Burning Love Cupcakes I am providing you with the recipe below, and the second Cupcakes were vanilla Cupcakes with Pineapple Buttercream and decorated in the Elvis theme for a 40th celebration.

I hope you enjoy making these as much as I did!

Hunka Burning Love Cupcakes

Banana Cupcake
125g unsalted butter, melted
3/4 cup castor sugar
2 large eggs
½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 ½  cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
½  teaspoon baking soda
pinch of salt
2 ripe bananas

Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Frosting
2-3 tbsp smooth peanut butter
250g packet cream cheese, softened
2  cups icing sugar mixture
1 tsp vanilla

Topped with Maple Syrup Glazed Bacon and a drizzle of Maple Syrup (honey can be substituted)

Pre-heat oven to 350’ or 180’.
Cream butter & sugar together with electric mixer, approximately 3 minutes. Add eggs one at a time and then the vanilla, beat until combined and fluffy.  In a separate bowl sift in all of the dry ingredients. Then mash up the bananas with a fork and add them into the mix.  Next add half the dry ingredients into the egg mixture, mix until just combined.  Add in the milk and then the 2nd half of the dry ingredients.  Be very careful not to overmix as you will bruise the flour and it will make a tough cupcake without spring in its step!

My trick is ‘soup spoons’ using the font of one to scoop the mix out and the back of another to push the mix off the 1st spoon into the patty cake wrapper.  Use 2 spoons of mix into each patty cake wrapper, 2/3 full. Bake for approx 20, just lightly firm to touch with a quick spring back.

Let cool before frosting.

To make the frosting add all the frosting ingredients into the mixer and use the paddle attachment. Mix into a whipped cream consistency, and then its ready to pipe onto the cakes.

For the bacon topping, slice the rashes (2) into 1.5 inch squares, heat frypan and drizzle approx 1-2 tablespoons of maple syrup into the pan first and heat.  Next add the bacon and pan fry until golden and crispy.

Top your cupcake using a closed star tip, and insert your crisp of bacon and lightly drizzle with about a ¼ - ½ teaspoon of maple syrup.

I got 18 small size cupcakes from this mix, otherwise it would get 12 large cupcakes.

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