
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas That's a Wrap!

Well it is the day after Boxing Day and I think I can say It’s a Wrap to Christmas for another year... I really felt this year came careering down a hill throughout December and the snowball and myself collided at full throttle!  I raced against the clock to get the presents bought then wrapped, the baking completed and parties catered and attended.

It was my two years old’s first Christmas where she really knew what it was all about in the way of who Santa is, what Christmas Carols are and what was adorable is that for 2 days of wrapping I was building the pile under the tree and she never once tried to open them, however we did colour one of Poppy’s with a bit of green texta!  Even on Christmas Eve at my parents her highlight was carrying the dozens of gifts and placing them under the tree one at a time from the car and bedroom, she was in her element!

The turkey was traditionally baked on Christmas Eve so that it fills the house with the glorious smell of it wafting through the house all evening (we then actually refrigerate it to eat cold or warmed on Christmas & Boxing Nights).  We spent Christmas Eve baking the last of the goodies and setting the family dining table and finalising the wrapping.

We all ooo’d, aaah’d and laughed til we cried over Marley Rose (my 2 two yr old) with her excitement over Christmas, she loves all things special, sparkly, glittery, Christmassy, you name it!  Santa brought her a beautiful outside cubby house that she calls her Coffee House and at first she was hesitant to cross the threshold but we went forth in the end and LOVE it with relish. It has a letterbox, a stove top, a kitchen sink and a tool bench.  There was ALOT of present opening, following by EVEN MORE eating, sitting down to the traditional Roast Pork with baked potatoes, carrots, parsnips (which mum insists she always does and the rest of us all heavily debated that they have never made an appearance on the Christmas table previously in 37 years!), Pumpkin Pie and peas. Complimented with Apple Sauce, Gravy, Mint Jelly, Cranberry Sauce, whatever takes your fancy.  Lunch commences with the explosion of Bon Bons and then we all dig into the bag for our traditional Silly Christmas Hats (I opted tis year for the delicate white and diamante reindeer antlers).

I want to share with you all my Christmas in pictures, I got my first SLR camera in June, was too scared to use it at all til August and now I rarely go anywhere with out it!

Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas for 2011, I hope you and your family had a safe and happy year. Thank you for taking the time to come on my travels this year.

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