
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Challenge No 3 – Pavlova and Lemon Curd Push Pops

Month 3 - March
Blog 3 - Bubble & Sweet -
Recipe 3 - Pavlova and Lemon Curd Push Pops -

The month of March arrived and in the very first week I had organised a High Tea Event.  And at the centre of my High Tea was going to be these gorgeous Push Pops that I got from Bubble and Sweet the Push Pop Pavlovas.  Note that Linda used Passionfruit Curd but since we have a glut of lemons and Mum is constantly telling me she needs to not waste the lemons and needs me to make curd..... well guess what I was making???

Be sure to pop over to Bubble and Sweet Blog because Linda has some beautiful sweets on her site, I get very inspired by her work and then usually tweak it for my own needs and tastes.

The main things you will need are :
Push Pop Containers (or shot glasses or glass jars)
Cutter something that cuts the meringue the exact size of your containers
A stand or box – pre plan what you are going to stand them in, as they fall easily
Electric Mixer
Oven + Stovetop


8 Egg Whites
2 ½ cups Castor Sugar
2 tsp white vinegar

Lemon Curd
8 Egg Yolks (left from your meringue)
180ml Lemon Juice
250g Castor Sugar
120g Butter – cubed (8 peices)
4 tsp Lemon Zest – finely grated

12 fresh Raspberries
300ml Thickened Cream (light option is acceptable)
2 Tbsp Castor Sugar

Meringue Method :

Preheat oven to 140 C degrees.

Place Egg Whites in the electric mixer and whip on high for at least 10 minutes, until they are white and foamy, add in the castor sugar a tablespoon at a time and mix in before adding next spoonful. Finally add in the vinegar and finish whipping when mixture is thick and white and stiff (doesn’t fall or drip off beater). Test checking if you have a “beak” of meringue when you lift up the beater. The process will take over 15 minutes in total.

Line a baking tray with foil and then line with baking paper.

Spread the baking paper with the meringue, ensure that it is evenly spread. Place tray of meringue in the oven, and bake for 25 minutes (do not allow it to brown), then turn off oven and leave it in the oven for a further 45 minutes, this process will make your meringue harden.

Lemon Curd Method :

Take egg yolks left over from the meringue (you can do this with only 4 as curd can be made in half this but I love leftover lemon curd), and place them into a medium heavy based saucepan, add in the castor sugar, lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Turn the heat on medium and whisk constantly, scraping the sides continually of the saucepan. Keep up the whisking until the mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon (this will take approximately 8 minutes). Do not let the mixture boil as this will make it go lumpy.

Once thick enough, remove the saucepan from the heat, whisk in one piece of butter at a time, until smooth. Strain the curd through a sieve into a bowl. Then stir in the lemon zest and cover with plastic wrap(glad wrap), pressing it down directly onto the curd, this is necessary to ensure that a skin doesn’t form. Place into a fridge, and chill for at least 1 hour, best made a day before required.

Assembly :

Take your sheet of meringue, using your cutter that fits perfectly to your serving choice, cut at least 2 circles per serving required (I made 12 Push Pops so I cut out at least 24 circles).

Pour your thickened cream into the mixer with the whipping beater and whip on high for 5 minutes, gradually add in the castor sugar. Put cream to the side in bowl as you will be placing a spoon of this on the top of each serving.

Step 1 – Put a spoonful of curd into each container/glass
Step 2 – Place a meringue on top
Step 3 – Place a 2nd spoonful of curd
Step 4 – Place a 2nd meringue
Step 5 – Another spoon of lemon curd is optional *
Step 6 – Spoon a large amount of luscious cream on the top
Step 7 – Top with a fresh raspberry


Pavlova and Lemon Curd Push Pops are served!!! Amoungst the High Tea spread!

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