
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Arnotts Iced Vovo Tart - Good Taste Mag Hit!

Australia Day was approaching and I have bought our local supermarket Magazine, The Good Taste.  And an old favourite Aussie biscuit was gracing the cover, being reinvented into a Tart/Slice.  It was a birthday at work and my fellow manager luuuuurves raspberries so I knew this would be a hit!

It has quite a lengthy list of ingredients and it is a bit fiddly  but NO baking required so thats a bonus, and if you need to speed up the process I did find you can place the base in the freezer to chill for 20 minutes and the filling can do a stint at the start in the freezer and transfer to the fridge.  If you are taking it with you anywhere I recommend, set the jelly on top then when set completely, keeping it in the tin, cover it in glad wrap and upon delivery/arrival pipe on the cream and sprinkle the coconut.

Iced Vovo Tart

Base :

100g Arnotts Iced Vovo Biscuits
150g Milk Arrowroot Biscuits (or similar)
130g Butter - melted

Marshmallow Filling :

150g Marshmallows (pink preferable but I only had white ones)
1 Tbsp Milk
2 sml drops Pink Food Colouring (if using food gels use a toothpick)
200ml Thickened Cream
1 tsp Vanilla Paste

Raspberry Jelly Coating :

2 x McKenzies Gelatin Leaves or 2 tsp Gelatin Powder
1 cup Frozen Raspberries
1/3 cup Water
1 Tbsp Castor Sugar

Topping :

200ml Thickened Cream
1 tiny drop Pink Food Colouring
1 Tbsp Shredded Coconut

To make the base first grease your tart tin (with removable base) with butter or spray with a light oil.  Place biscuits in the food processor and process them until they are a fine crumb, then add the melted butter to the mix and process until combine through and it starts to come together.

Turn the crumb mix out into your prepared tin and press it into the tin, you can use a glass to get a firm and even form.  Place it into the fridge for 1 hour to set firm and chill.

To make the marshmallow filling, place your marshmallows and milk into a medium saucepan over a low heat and stir continually until your marshmallows melt and the mixture is smooth.  Transfer it into a small bowl and add your food colouring and set aside for about 6 minutes to cool slightly. 

At this time place your thickened cream into your mixer and whisk in the vanilla until you have firm peaks forming.  Gently fold in half the cream into the marshmallow mixture, then fold in the 2nd half until combined.  Pour it over the biscuit base and smooth the surface.  Place in the fridge for 2 hours or until firm.

To make your jelly layer next, place your gelatin leaves in a small bowl and cover with some cold water, set aside for 6 minutes to soften (if you opt for gelatin powder then place 2 tsp in a small bowl with 2 tablespoons of cold water and leave until ready to add in approximately 6-10 minutes).   Stir the raspberries, water and sugar in a small saucepan over a medium/low heat and stir until the sugar has dissolved  bring the mixture to a simmer and allow it to simmer for approximately 3 minutes or until the raspberries turn to liquid.  Remove water from your gelatin leaves and add them to the raspberry mixture (or spoon the gelatin powder mix into your raspberries).  Stir this through until your gelatin completely dissolves through your mixture.  Take a large sieve over a heatproof bowl and pour your raspberry mixture into the sieve  push it through with a spatula, and discard the raspberry seeds.  Set the bowl of jelly aside and allow it to cool for approximately 25 minutes so it doesn't melt the next layer when adding it into the tart.

Carefully pour the cooled jelly over the marshmallow layer, smooth it so the layer is even and covers the entire tart layer and place it back in the fridge for at least 2 hours (or preferably overnight).

To make the Vovo topping, use an electric mixer, place the cream into the mixing bowl and whisk on high until it forms firm peaks then stir in the food colouring.  Spoon the cream into a piping bag with a medium star nozzle/tip.  Pipe rosettes in 2 or 3 rows along each long side of the tart.

Finish off with a sprinkle of shredded coconut. Voila!

Some Helpful Notes:

* To prevent your marshmallow filling mixture splitting, ensure you let the melted marshmallows cool before folding in the cream
* If you use the Gelatin Leaves as opposed to the Gelatin Powder you will achieve a clearer less cloudy jelly finish.
* Keep the tart in the fridge to ensure you can slice the tart easily, room temp will cause the knife to drag.

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