
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Candy Leftovers..... Easter Hatched Cheesecake Bars!


Ok so what do you do with a house full of Easter treats and not enough people to eat them all????

Turn them into a scrummy afternoon tea.  This was not a perfect, gorgeous looking dish, but I ate it and it was fun, eye popping cute and sweet!

Enjoy something fun with your over stocked easter candy!

Easter Hatched Cheesecake Bars/Slice

2 Packets Oreos
25g Butter - melted
250g Philadelphia Cream Cheese (1 packet)
150ml Thickened Cream
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 Tbsp Castor Sugar
1/2 Lime Rind & Juice - Optional
1 Tbsp Icing Sugar
1 cup Mini Marshmallows
1 cup broken Macaron Shells
1/2 cup small solid Eggs - cut in halves
Dozen approx Speckled MnMs

Place the Oreos in the food processor and process them into a medium crumb mix, then add your melted butter and pulse it through the crumbs until evenly distributed.

Tip out your buttered crumbs into a prepared lamington or brownie tin and press into a firm base, you can use the bottom of a flat bottomed glass to assist in the process in getting a firm flat base.

Place the tin with the pressed base into the fridge for 20 minutes to set.

Place your cream cheese into the (now clean) food processor and process until smooth and silky, then add your cream, vanilla and sugar and process further until it is all thick and creamy.  Add your lime (this is optional but used in the cheesecake to cut through the chocolate you will be adding later.  Place your mixture now into a clean mixing bowl and sift in the icing sugar.

Stir through the icing sugar, marshmallows and broken macaron shells.

Now pour your cheesecake mixture onto the base, smooth it out with your spatula, and then sprinkle more mini marshmallows on top, cut the solid eggs in halves and drop on the cheesecake with the speckled MnMs to decorate nicely with colour explosion! Note - the macaron shells may leach a bit of colour out.

Place back in the fridge for a minimum of 3 hours, I always suggest overnight for best results.

Lift out of the tin and cut into bite size pieces and serve (whilst still cold). 


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