
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Coconut Prawns with a Pineapple Relish - A Summer Delight!

Do you feel like a main dish (or entree) that screams S-U-M-M-E-R at your family??? Well I think I have found it! Prawns (or shrimp, or chicken) and Pineapple! Your eyes will glaze over and you'll think you are on a banana lounge in the Bahamas with a luscious fruity cocktail....

This recipe was originally called for them to be baked on parchment paper in the oven but I am not much of a fan of baked prawns, I'd definitely do it for chicken, but I suggest a light simmer on the stove top in a cast iron skillet.  Or another option is to skewer them and BBQ to avoid seafood in the kitchen (if you were my mum that is the only option given)!

Coconut Prawns and a Tropical Pineapple Relish

500g Uncooked Green Prawns (can substitute for chicken tenderloins)
2 egg Whites
2 Tbsp Cornflour
1.5 - 2 cups Shredded Coconut
Oil - to taste (I suggest 3-5 Tbsp)
1 Lime
2 tsp Fresh Green Chillies - seeded and finely diced
1/2 cup Pineapple Preserve (see recipe at bottom)

Taking your prawns, de-vein and shell them (you can choose to leave the tails on for holding if you wish), then rinse them and dry with a paper towel.

In a small bowl using a fork, whisk the egg whites lightly together. 

Put cornflour and coconut on two separate plates. 

Holding the prawn by the tail run it in the cornflour and finely coat.

Next dip the prawn into the egg white wash.

Finally roll the prawn into the coconut and place onto a clean plate.  Then place your plate of coated prawns in the fridge and refrigerate for 10-15 minutes so the coating sticks well and doesn't fall off in the cooking process.

Then to cook Prawns:

Frying - Heat your skillet or pan with oil (test by either a sprinkle of water that will crack upon contact or stick the handle of your wooden spoon straight down into the bottom of the pan and bubbles will gather on it which shows it is ready, no bubbles = not ready).  When the oil is ready place your prawns into the skillet or pan, fry lightly so they become a light gold and ensure your flip them gentle to cook both sides, I use a wire frying scoop.

Oven - Line a baking tray with grease proof or parchment paper, then place the prawns onto the paper lined tray.  Place the tray in the oven on approx 200 (400)degrees for about 15-20 minutes until golden. But I recommend you gently turn them at the 10 minutes mark so you cook both sides evenly.

Pineapple Preserve

1 lrg can Pineapple - Crushed and in Juice
2 cups Castor Sugar

Place your pineapple straight from can and castor sugar into a medium saucepan and bring to the boil in a and then cook for 20 minutes, stirring constantly until thickened or until the temperature reaches 220F on a thermometer.

Pour your jam into steralised jars, screw on lids finger tight with rubberband inserts.  Place in a waterbath for 5 minutes. The leave to sit undisturbed for 24 hours on bench covered in a towel to avoid any drafts.

Hey Presto you have your Pineapple Preserve!

Pineapple Relish (for dipping)

Combine Chillies, Lime Juice and Pineapple Preserve into a small bowl and mix together well.  Cover and refrigerate until serving.

Oh yummmmm.... these things are TOTES delish!!!

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