
Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Traditional Anzac Biscuit - Lest We Forget

I usually make something for Anzac Day, the 25th April, a day we stop and remember those who have fought for our freedom, the soldiers who have fallen, and those you give their time to keep us safe.

Ode of Remembrance

They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Lest We Forget - for the day we receive each year to remember the soldiers past & present who gave their years & lives for our freedom.

Some facts I learnt about the Anzac Biscuits:

  • Originated during World War 1
  • There are no eggs in an Anzac Biscuit, this is because they didn't want to risk them spoiling before they reached the front line to the troops.
  • Usually packed in Billy Tins to be shipped to the front line.
  • Originally called an Soldiers Wafers.
  • Sent to troops instead of bread as it had a much longer shelf life.
  • First recipe was without oats, but they were so hard they were being ground up as porridge, so the women started to add roll oats.

This year I was lucky enough to receive a generous order of over 820 Anzac Biscuits for the St George Call Centres in Sydney.   Took me a week in the baking, each packed & sealed separately to be given out.  I now share with you that traditional recipe.

Traditional Anzac Biscuit

2 Tbsp Golden Syrup
150g Butter
1/2 tsp Bi-Carb Soda
1 cup Rolled Oats
3/4 cup Desscicated Coconut
1/2 cup White Sugar
1 1/4 cups Plain Flour

Preheat oven to 170 degrees. Line a baking tray with grease proof paper.

Measure out your golden syrup and butter into a small saucepan and place on a low heat.

Whilst your butter is melting, measure our your dry ingredients in the mixer.

Melt the butter and when the syrup just starts to come to the boil, take a small bowl, put your bi-carb and 1 1/2 Tbsp of water and stir, then pour this into the saucepan and turn off the heat.  Your mixture will froth right up high.

Whilst the syrup is hot and frothed up, turn on your mixer (with dough attachment), and pour in your golden syrup mix.  Leave the mixer on medium speed, spatula the dry ingredients to ensure they are all mixed through thoroughly.

Turn off your mixer and allow to sit to cool for 5 minutes.

Take dough and squeeze together a tablespoon of dough, place balls of dough on your baking tray spaced out of about 2cm apart once flattened.  Take the palm of your hand and flatten the dough ball out to the desired thickness.  The cookie won't rise much in the cooking.

When your fill the tray with 10-12 cookies, place into the oven and bake for 12-15 minutes or until slightly golden.

This recipe makes 12 medium biscuits (tablespoon of cookie dough).

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